About the


We’re a small group who started meeting regularly in a home in Helena, Montana, in February 2024. A few months later, the Lord provided an opportunity to meet in a great local residential community center. It’s off Ptarmigan Lane in Helena, behind Goodwill, next to the medical center. We’d love it if you came and worshipped with us. You’ll see signs by the street and in front of the community center on Sundays.

When & Where

Tim Shanley


If you’re wondering who I am, here’s a little bit about me: I grew up in New Jersey (I’ve since denounced that citizenship) in a somewhat Christian home. We went to church, although not always regularly, I went to Christian school until the 8th grade, but I didn’t really know to know Jesus until I was 22. It took some awful things, some hard times, and finally total brokenness to see that I really needed him.

My life verse is John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

After becoming a Christian, I started attending a Calvary Chapel in New York state, where I lived. I was baptized, starting serving in many different ministries, became a deacon, eventually met my wonderful wife Ashlee in 2009. We married in 2012. In January 2013, I was ordained as a pastor and continued to serve in NY. We’ve since been given five wonderful children, three girls and two boys.

God called us to go to Maryland in 2015, but shortly after we were needed back in NY for a season as the church was hurting. It was during this time that God began to bring back a desire I had many years earlier – to live in Montana. I didn’t know how it’d come to pass and thought it was impossible. But, in 2017, when I first visited, He made it clear that Montana was where He was calling us. We moved to the Bitterroot, less than a year later in 2018, and have since began to call Montana home. I haven’t felt this at home anywhere, outside of church, since before my parents divorce at an early age. In the summer of 2021, through a series of circumstances, God brought us to Helena.

My desire is that people would come to really know Jesus, not just know about Him, just like I did. To know the heights, depths and widths of His love. To know what His word says, and that it’s sure. To know their calling in life and to find help pursuing it. To be a part of a real, loving church family, and to live a completely new and resurrected life in Jesus.

I’d love to talk more with you about anything. Feel free to get in touch or come visit. You can also listen to a recommended message below, or listen to more of my testimony.

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?

Romans 10:14-15a